Early Childhood

For the past two decades, a growing body of research confirms that children’s first years of life are critical to their academic success and overall well-being in later years. Best practice interventions support and strengthen children’s early cognitive, social, and emotional development; providing these opportunities to historically underserved populations can help mitigate early disparities.

PCL’s goal in the early childhood program area is to support children’s early development and kindergarten readiness. Drawing on community recommendations, local data and research, PCL adopted the following programmatic strategies to work toward this goal:

  1. Provide affordable, high quality preschool- programs with small adult: child ratios and focused on quality standards. 
  2. Enhance parent/family support of child development and nurturing. 
  3. Support families, childcare providers, and teachers with guiding child behavior. 

View the list of current grants.

PCL publishes annual performance reports on funded programs each year.


Listos Para Aprender - Meet Hilda, Matias and Cristina